Every week, The Reader picks out noteworthy agenda items from the Douglas County Board of Commissioners and the Omaha City Council. Visit the county and city’s websites to view the full agendas.

  • County Budget: The Douglas County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing and vote on the 2023-24 county budget immediately following Tuesday’s regular meeting. The $502 million budget is nearly 5% above last year’s budget, driven by increased labor costs and spending on road and bridge projects.
  • Parking Near Streetcar: The Omaha City Council will vote on a $4.1 million tax increment financing plan for a new apartment complex at 31st and Marcy Streets. Neighbors have raised concerns about parking, as the developers are planning for 147 parking spaces — just over half of what would typically be required. The planning department waived the requirement because of the development’s proximity to the proposed streetcar route.

See the full Douglas County Board of Commissioners and Omaha City Council agendas for Tuesday, July 11, and tune in to the Douglas County Board at 9 a.m. and Omaha City Council at 2 p.m.

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