The Triad City Beat editorial team has won a total of four awards this season, just one shy of last year’s total of five.

Honors from the statewide NC Press Association went to Managing Editor Sayaka Matsuoka (Second Place, Best Ledes — 1, 2, 3) and Publisher Brian Clarey (Second Place, Best Column).

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From the Association of Alternative Newsmedia, which grants Altweekly Awards to outlets in the United States and Canada, TCB has earned two awards — we will not know how we placed until our conference in Dallas next week. Luis H. Garay got the nod in Food Writing for this complete guide to the Triad’s panaderías, while Autumn Karen placed in Best LGBTQ+ Coverage for her piece, “Finding wholeness: What trans-affirming care looks like in the Triad.”

Congrats to our winners, and thanks to our readers for making it all possible.

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